Advise Needed - Keller,TX

Updated on January 26, 2009
C.T. asks from Keller, TX
7 answers

I have been told by my pediatric dentist that the kids have cavities plus resin composites. The kids are only 5 and 3yrs old. He also states that their teeth are past sealants. My 5yr old does complain of pain in her molars from time to time so I know I need to get those taken care of. At our last cleaning we were given good report for their dental hygiene and they say its probably genetic, which my inlaws agree. The 2 options given were pay an Anestheseologist at the office, 900usd, or go down to Cooks children in Ft Worth for out patient surgery. I feel more comfortable at Cooks. My husband and I are still weary about putting them under. We both know of someone who's lost a child at a dental office due to reaction to process involved. (This is already a second opinion with out the dentist knowing this) Help! I need your encouragement and or expertise in this area. They are baby teeth! Thank you!

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all the responses of wisdom and comfort. We ended up having the procedure done at Cook's Ft Worth where our dentist goes twice a month. It went very well and every person we encountered made my daughter feel at ease. Our insurance covered more of the expenses this way. Thanks again for your support!

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

HI C., I have 8 kids. Recently my 2.5 year old had like 10 cavities, 3 of which had to be capped. He is an extremely active 2 year old. My pediatric dentist is great, Dr. Jason Clapp, in Highland Village, TX, ###-###-####. I've been going to him since we moved to TX in 2002. He said he could be put under anesthesia OR placed in a little papoose like restraint after they gave him a medicine that makes them sleepy. We did not want our baby having "major" surgery. We did the papoose route. He never fell asleep so he was fighting the doctor on and off, but it all got done, and he doesn't remember anyway. My 4 year old needed 1 cap and had like 5 other cavities. She just fell asleep on the table after the "medicine" and the laughing gas. She woke up happy, and that was that! Your 3 and 5 year old are not going to be harder tham a strong in full terrible 2s little boy. See DR. Clapp, he will give you all the options available. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Not sure who your pediatric dentist is....we use Dr. Armstrong in Southlake and I had concerns putting my then 4 yr old under like that, but the staff os amazing, they monitered his vitals the entire time and he did great! I don't remember it being that expensive, but I guess it depends on how much work yours needs done.



answers from Dallas on

What did he say about sealants???? They won't put Sealants on baby teeth!! atleast the ins company wont pay for it... They put them on perm teeth.. There is such a thing called consious sedation.. which means your kid is given some "happy Juice" which just makes them groggy... not put to sleep!!! That is scary unless you really have too.. but If their baby teeth are rotting..if you dont fix it now there is a chance the perm tooth will be rotten too.. I used to work for Lake Country Dental fort worth texas.. Dr. hake is their pediatric dr. She sees my child i trust them very much!!! They only resort to the iv sedation when nessary and there is all the equipment that is in hospital but cheaper than if you went too cooks!!! ins will pay better in office.. I would atleas go for another opnion ..take your xrays with you... hope this helps



answers from Dallas on

Our daughter is a "special needs" kiddo so she has had to be put under for her dental work. We've been through the process twice, using an anesthesiologist in the dentist's office, with absolutely no problems. We've also been to Cook's for other outpatient surgeries, and I can honestly say I prefer the way they do things in our dentist's office. (We use Jeff Hoffman.) However ... this is YOUR kids you're talking about. You should absolutely do what YOU feel comfortable with.



answers from Dallas on

I would definitely do it at Cook's. As an adult, I had my wisdom teeth out at a doc's office. They told me I would be able to drive home. My husband had to come get me and I slept for 2 days!!! It was scary. Also, you should check your health insurance. They are generally much more willing to pay for surgery at a hospital along with all the other costs that come from the surgery (like labs, x-rays, etc.).

Good luck and let us know how they do.

D. Kimbriel
Grandma to 2 beautiful boys



answers from Dallas on

Don't underestimate the vital role that baby teeth have in regards to a child's health. Those teeth are needed for many things beyond chewing. They are needed for proper speech development, self esteem, and those teeth save room for the permanent teeth. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, the remaining teeth drift and move in the available space, making impossible for permanent teeth to erupt properly. Untreated dental infection (cavities) can also cause problems with the forming permanent teeth. So don't ever say 'they are just baby teeth.'

As for in-office sedation, I have known and witnessed many who have undergone that method with absolutely no problems. As for the person you know that had a problem, remember you can say that about ANY procedure done in ANY field - Just because you go to Cook's doesn't mean that there is less risk there, either.

Remember how highly trained anesthesiologists are, not to mention the dentist themselves. They are trained far beyond treating teeth. They are, by law, required to be trained in office emergencies, and have all the necessary equipment and drugs in the office as well.

If your 5 year old is complaining of pain, that is a signal that the infection has progressed to a potentially dangerous point. Remember that cavities are an infectious disease caused by bacteria, and if left untreated, spreads (beyond the tooth itself) just like any other untreated infection.

Sounds like this is something you need to bite the bullet on and just get taken care of. I wouldn't hesitate to do an in office sedation, and I'd do it sooner than later.



answers from Dallas on

Did you get a 2nd opinion? I've worked in the dental field for 6 yr and I would definitely get one before going to Cook's.

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