Hi! I'm 36 and was recently concerned about the same thing, only I kind of had the reverse problem. I wasn't skipping periods, but instead I was occasionally getting 2 in one month. Doesn't that sound like fun?! I, too, have been trying to conceive baby #2 and was concerned that a hormonal balance due to early menopause was to blame for why it hadn't happened yet.
My doctor recommended putting me through a month of "fertility monitoring". Essentially, they monitor every step of your menstrual cycle with blood tests and ultrasounds to determine exactly what is going on. My first set of tests consisted of 5 vials of blood being taken, which checked every single hormone in my body. These tests are used as a baseline for comparison against future tests. Certain hormone levels should increase or decrease, depending on where you are in your cycle. I then returned the following week for another set of tests and to begin the ultrasounds. The ultrasounds checked my ovaries and follicle development. I went in every other day for about a week for this portion of the tracking.
Because I had been trying to conceive, my doctor recommended that we use this monitoring as a way to also determine my fertile period. The hormone levels in your blood coupled with the follicle development noted in the ultrasounds will pinpoint this time. When the ultrasounds picked up ripened follicles and the blood tests supported that I was about to ovulate, he perscribed a shot of Ovidrel, which forces the follicle to rupture. Essentially, this guarantees ovulation. I was then put on progesterone supplements for the remainder of the cycle just to take out any guesswork. Well, I am happy to report that I am now 5 weeks pregnant! Not only did the monitoring identify my fertile period, but my doctor's intervention with the Ovidrel and progesterone may have given my body that extra push it needed for me to conceive.
If you are at all concerned about your cycle and what it is doing, I highly recommend a month of this monitoring. Even if you don't want to conceive just yet, you'll at least know what all of your hormones are doing - just skip the Ovidrel and progesterone. My doctor said that this monitoring would indeed reveal whether I was pre-menopausal, so it was worth it just to know what the heck was going on in there. It was great peace of mind. And if you are ready to conceive baby #2 right now, then let me assure you - this works!!!
Good luck with everything! Keep us posted on how you are doing : )