I voluntarily had an amnio -would have twice, but the first time the baby wouldn't move his head. If you go to a practice that does them regularly, there is very little chance of miscarriage. The "pro-life" police like to scare everyone and say that there's this huge chance of it -which just isn't true -and that the ONLY reason to have an amnio is if you would have an abortion, which is not only UNTRUE, but actually potentially harmful to your baby. They are making more advances everyday, and they already have a several in-utero surgeries they can do for problems such as spina-bifida that greatly help the baby once born. Not only that, but don't you want to be as prepared as possible for whatever issues your baby may face? Some of them require a NICU team at delivery -and that can be life or death. Sometimes you DO have the unfortunate issue where there is a disorder so severe that the baby will not live after birth. It's still up to you to decide what you want to do in that case.
There are many kids born with club feet or a club foot with no other issues whatsoever, so you probably have nothing to worry about. However, do yourselves AND your baby the service of knowing absolutely what is going on. The doctor is just covering herself and telling you about all of the options. Imagine how you would feel if she said nothing and in your 8th month the baby dies from a disorder she could have detected -and it almost kills you too? Doctors are there to tell us ALL the possibilities! Especially if everything looks great except the foot -there's probably no other issue, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.