Anniversary Night

Updated on May 01, 2008
C.P. asks from Richardson, TX
5 answers

Hello again!!!

My husband and i will be celebrating our 2 yr wedding anniversay this year.... We have found our hotel and have decided on somethings that we are going to do throughout the day together... but we need something really AWESOME to do at night... what are some fun things that you have found to do that you don't get to do just whenever... Thanks again...

C. Perla

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answers from Dallas on

Whenever my husband and I have something to celebrate we like to go The Melting POt. There is one in addison and one in dallas. It is a great expereince, but plan on 2 hours for dinner or maybe 30 minutes if you go just for dessert(IT is worth the cost)Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

You didn't say the name of the town where you are celebrating. One thing we've enjoyed is going to a jazz club, going dancing, or going on a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city. You can go to and find the city where you are headed. Look at the tourist traps and see what is big in that town. For instance, in Dallas, eating dinner at the top of the big ball is not something you do every night. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

If it's downtown fort worth, there's a new jazz club and a wine bar that you could couple up for a cool adventure. Also, the Piranha sushi place makes a mean martini!



answers from Dallas on

I would set up the room with tons and tons of candles, flowers and music. I would have a special catered dinner, champagne and dessert. And I would just enjoy spending the romantic evening with my husband without the noise and chaos of the kids:-} have fun!!



answers from Dallas on

It really depends on where you will be staying and if you are wanting dinner plans??

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