I have had 9 pregnancies, and have the end result of 4 beautiful children. My first miscarriage was a blighted ovum. Then 2 healthy Boys, no problems either pregnancy. My next 3 all ended in D&C's. I would carry to 12 to 18 week's, then no heart beat.
My next pregnancy #7, I went in the day I was late. They started me on baby aspirin, one times a day. They told me I was in the normal range, albeit on the low side for clotting being an issue, but that it wouldn't hurt me to take one a day. Then I did happen to be pregnant with twins, so they put me on prometrium (don't remember the spelling) and I took this until 16 weeks. We still lost 1 twin, but had a healthy little girl.
Next pregnancy #8, I moved and had a new Dr. I told him about my past problems, he agreed with baby aspirin, but said prometrium was normally prescribed for twins so I didn't need it. At the 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex, the baby was dead and I had to have a D&E this time.
Last pregnancy #9, he decided we would do exactly like we did for #7, baby aspirin & prometrium which I took for 13 weeks, and I delivered a healthy baby boy. I have no idea what changed, and made me require the meds to carry full term. They made me nauseous, but they worked.
FYI My first was c-section, and the next 3 VBAC so anything is possible. Listen to your heart, and do what is right for you.
Best of luck!