I took the mini-pill while breastfeeding my twins, and kept taking it for 3 months afterwards, always making sure to take it at the same time each day, and following all additional recommendations. When I went off of the pill, my boys were 8 months old. I was pregnant within 2 weeks. It takes much less time for your body to readjust after going off of the mini-pill than it does when using a regular birth control pill. I would suggest that you start on a different pill as soon as you are able, and use backup protection in the meantime, if you don't want to become pregnant. I did have some cramps and nausea after stopping the pill, but I can't say for sure whether it was from no longer taking it or from being pregnant. Sorry. I would suggest taking another hpt/ept in a week or two, just to make sure if you are pregnant or not, or just waiting a few weeks to see if you get a regular menstrual cycle.
Good luck to you!