Anyone Have an Opinion or Experience with the NUVA Ring?

Updated on September 10, 2008
L.G. asks from Aliso Viejo, CA
4 answers

Hi All,
I am looking to get back on some kind of birth control now that my son has decided to no longer nurse. I had no problems when I was on the pill- had an extremely reliable and regular cycle- but was looking for other options. My doctor suggested the NUVA ring. I tried the Mini pill the past couple of months and quit it- because I was so emotional and getting headaches, starting my cycle twice in the month... Now, that I am not nursing I was looking for other options. Anyone have any experience with the ring?

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answers from Los Angeles on

I used Nuva Ring after got married for about a year. I didn't have any side effects. It was easy to use and most of the time I forgot it was there. The only problem I had with the ring was that it sometimes bothered me during intercourse.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi rona,
I used the nuva ring a few years ago and I loved it! No side affects and very convinient.
I now have a 5month old and I started using it again 2 months ago and the side affects are crazy. I dont know if its my age or what but I am very emotional and on edge alot of the time. My Best Friend is also having t he same problem. I took out the nuva ring a week early and have decided to seemy Dr about a diffrent birthcontrol method.
Ps My thyroid is abnormal and drs are running more test. I dont know if its because of the nuva ring.
Good luck



answers from Los Angeles on

I did the Nuva ring after my third child was born, I used it for about 4 months and it made me feel really yukky, flu like symptoms. After I stopped using it, I gained 43 lbs. in 6 months and that was with my regular workout schedule and healthy diet. Needless to say, I ended up being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and now I am on medication for my Thyroid most likely for the rest of my life. This was very difficult for me as I am an all organic and drug free peson and that is how I am raising my family. I do use a natural thyroid medication, but I really believe the Nuva ring is what caused as I had NOTHING before using it and within 6 months I was a wreck!!

I was 31 at the time, I don't know that age plays a role in it, but I just don't believe it was a coincedence.

Read all the side effects and keep doing your research before using it!

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi Rona,
I used the Nuva Ring for about three years. It really seemed to be a reliable way to balance my hormones (and my hypoglycemia) and the convenience of only having to take it out and put it in once a month was definitely a plus. The only thing that I can say was a negative was that I started getting yeast infections. I did not have them prior to the ring.

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