I don't believe that any of the diet pills work...natural or not. If they did, we would all be skinny and happy! My mother-in-law has tried almost everything on the market and she is still heavy and out of shape. The truth of the matter is that there is no easy fix. I am not perfect, but I just had a baby at 37, and have been working on losing the 45 pounds I gained. I know everyone says this, but that is because it is TRUE: the only sure fix is diet and exercise. I eat tons of fiber (fruits, veggies and natural grains), drink tons of water and eat lean protein. You have to give up a lot of the processed stuff because it is just empty calories. I try to make every calorie count for something. Also find a quick little exercise plan that you can do every day. If you are interested shoot me an email and I will tell you about a 20 minute one that I do. I started it a few weeks ago and I have lost seriously a couple of pants sizes. It is not magical, it is just hard work and determination!
Good Luck!!! I know it is hard, but trust me, if I can do it anyone can!