Yes there are real work at home jobs. I know this for a fact because I have one. I am an independent contractor for a transcription company.
You can find a ton of websites for work at home companies at the work at home mom website. That web address is www.wahm.com. If you look in there bulletin boards there is a section that has a pretty long list of companies that use independent contractors.
I will warn you though some of the companies are pretty hard to get on with if you don't have any work at home experience.
I have had my position for almost two years now and totally love it. I have a pretty fair selection of the hours that I work and I make a little money. Not a lot of money but enough to help out a little.
Good luck in your search. Just remember that if they want you to pay them anything then 9 times out of 10 it is a scam. Don't send anyone any money for information or to buy a list or anything like that. If you do that you might as well just be throwing your money in the trash.
M. N.