I took my daughter with me at about that age when I went with a friend to see The Doors movie. She did just fine - slept through most of it, even the loud music.
(She's 19 now and a raving Jim Morrison fan).
I read somewhere that the movie theatre is a good place to 'escape and nurse' your baby. I have a 6.5 month nrsing boy and really want to go see wild things with my sister in law. But will the noise be too loud for him? What if he starts crying - although he generally doesn't unless he's hungry, in which case i can feed him, or too tired but the noise & darkness may likely put him to sleep. It's not like we're going to see a high action thriller with car crashes & heavy metal, but still... What do you think?
Oh we did take him to a music festival one weekend 2 mos ago. I used earplugs on him and he did great, sleeping fine thru the loudness & late nights.
I took my daughter with me at about that age when I went with a friend to see The Doors movie. She did just fine - slept through most of it, even the loud music.
(She's 19 now and a raving Jim Morrison fan).
Hi, K. - I never did this with my baby; however, I had friends that did it occasionally and said it was no problem. I also want to echo what others have said - although mothers need down time, the movie you choose may be an outing for another mother without her child (hence a "treat" for her or possibly a date night with her husband)- it's a must that your child remain quiet; otherwise, you will need to take him out (not a very happy thought depending on how much movie tickets are in your area). The earplugs are a great idea because movies these days tend to be so loud. Good luck - hope you have a great experience!
When I was on Maternity Leave with my little one I would occasionally go to a matinee to see a movie and it always went really well. It's so dark in there that with a blanket nursing was not a problem at all. If your little one is used to a noisy home when he naps, it should be just fine :)
I take my baby every thur to a movie...started at 6 days old! He only one time started to fuss and I took him out within one minute. He stopped fussying very quickly and we were able to return. I always sit down front/aisle row near the exit so I can get out ASAP if needed. I have seen every type of movie and he slept through most of them, or just sat there smiling. My only problem was during last weeks movie he finished nursing and then Burped--LOUD THEN pooped JUST AS LOUD!! LOL no one seem to be upset--I actually got some chuckles.
I've done this several times. I always try to go to a show that isn't that crowded because I don't want the person on either side of me to be too uncomfortable. The noise and excitement has only bothered my daughter during G-force. I had to leave during this one. She was fine with Ice Age, several IMAX movies and one other "kid" movie. YOu just have to keep an open mind and not have too high of expectations. Hope you enjoy the movie.
You are smart to ask, as babies respond differently. I took mine to see Marley and Me when he was 8 days old and I nursed him in the dark and he slept the rest, of course at that age they sleep all day. I went to the Warren Theater in Moore. Some of their movies have a sound proof room in the back. It is actually called the "cry room." You can even adjust the volume yourself! That is where we were. It is for families. No worries about others bothering you or vice versa. Also, many sound effects are loud enough to damage baby's ears. If you google it and read on the baby center site, my favorite, it tells you specific facts based on research. You can love the movie without any of the negatives though if you go to the Warren in Moore.
I think as long as you are respectful of others movie going experience things should go fine. If the baby cries then leave the movie right away, walk around in the foyer for a moment and see if the baby calms down or go to the restroom to walk around, it may have thicker walls and muffle loud cries. If all else fails go prepared to sit in the car or go home early.
P. S. When I take children to the movies, even kids style, we always sit in one of the back 3-4 rows and on the end of the row close to the door so if we need to leave then we don't have to step on others toes to escape.
Babies can tolerate more then you think. I took my daughter with my husband and me to see gladiator when she was like 2-3 months old and she's 9 now and she's is fine except for the selective hearing when she doesnt want to listen.
If he will sleep and be quiet then I don't see why you couldn't take him. Like someone else had mentioned, just remember that you are in a movie theater with other people. If he is crying or fussing, you will have to take him out. And even if he is being happy and very talkative, you might also need to step out. While us Mommies love hearing our babies laugh and talk, others don't in a movie theater. I hope he is a good little boy and you can go enjoy the movie!
I took my daughter to the movies all the time when she was a little baby. Nursed her just fine in the dark and nobody was the wiser. she pretty much slept thru the whole thing. you can make it easier by wearing a button up shirt. have fun!
A little cotton in his ears will help with noise reduction.
A matinee may be your best bet (fewer people).
I wish I could do this with my 10 month old but she would crawl off of me and across the room. Ha!