I completely understand what you are going through! I used to dream about once a week that my husband was cheating on me - he wasn't. I felt so drained and hurt when I awoke because it felt so real! I never did figure out why I was dreaming this and eventually the dreams just stopped. I researched the meaning behind simply by using google, and the best explanation I found was that I was feeling some sort of insecurity in my life, not necessarily with him, but maybe with him or just generally. Could be worry over a new job or a new baby manifesting itself in a loss of control with your relationship. Or, was your dad in the picture as a child? Mine cheated on my mom and left, so maybe that was the reason for my dreams. It really could be a hundred different things. Any change can bring on a dream that may or may not be representative of the actual change that is occurring in real life.
I have tried many "what deams mean" books to provide me a solution to no avail.
The thing I found helped the most was talking to my hubby about these dreams after I had them. He made me feel reassured and it was very helpful. He also shared with me that he had similar dreams about me. It was just easier for him to shake them off!
Good luck in finding a solution - and NO, you are definitely not a weirdo! PM me if you would like to talk more. I totally know how you feel!