Beg Bugs, Fleas.. I Dont Know What It Is or Could Be?!?! HELP

Updated on June 30, 2010
M.R. asks from North Olmsted, OH
11 answers

Ok so my neighbor had fleas in her house 1 week ago.. and i noticed small itchy bumps on my son. Now I have 3 kids plus myself and none of us have had any itchy red bumps. So we found out she had fleas but my son was playing w/ her kid plus they were in my house (i did not know, of course) so i thought he brought fleas home or 'a flea', if that is possible. So since it's only him getting bit i took him to the doctor thinking perhaps chicken pox, which she ruled out. So here we are today a week later.. still no bites on anyone except my son whom seems to be getting more.. My daughter sleeps on the bottom bunk and my son on the top so i figured if it was fleas that she would be getting bit too.. plus i'm in there on the floor playing and my youngest is too and still no one is getting bit. Now we bought new mattresses 2 weeks ago same brand for both kids and still my daughter has nothing.. so i'm confused.. my next thought was bed bugs so i was gonna go buy those vinyl covers for the mattresses and see if that does anything for my kid. I just dont know what is going on.. they almost look like misquitoe bites but they are really itchy to him. Any suggestions or moms that have been thru this. They can be on his scalp, back, stomach, he's had a few upper thigh, wrist, arms.. i just dont get it and frankly it's getting very annoying not knowing what is going on..

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answers from Hartford on

Some people are just more attractive to bugs then others, lol. I never get mosquito bites, we did have a flea problem years ago and my son was the only one who suffered :( he would get big welts and still does for any bug bite. If we sit out on the deck all night I may get 1 mosquito bite, my son can be out there for 5 min. and get 20.

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answers from Los Angeles on

my husband's house was infested with fleas at one point when he was growing up b/c of their cat. his dad and brothers were all bit multiple times but my husband didn't get one bite. turns out fleas like chomping on some people more than others. so it could be fleas and they just find your son tastier than the rest of your family.

it could also be an allergic reaction to something..if your doctor is unsure of whether they're bites or some sort of rash, go see a dermatologist who might be better able to help.



answers from Washington DC on

Did your doctor rule out an allergic reaction to something? My daughter has food allergies, the first sign was little bumps just like you are noticing. It first happened on a visit to a new friend's house, and I had to ask her if her dog had fleas, because that's what it looked like - but she said no. After a few days it turned into a huge ugly case of the hives - which it doesn't sound like you son's has... Do you have pets the fleas could be living on? Because it's unusual for fleas to just live on humans. It could be bedbugs, they are becoming more prevalent - they usually bite at night, and in the upper body (they are attracted to our exhaling). You could look around the area of his headboard and mattress, you would see them there... this doesn't seem likely if no one else has been bitten. To me, it sounds like an allergy, maybe to your laundry detergent or something....


answers from New York on

Are the red bumps very tiny with a burning itch? Could he have contracted scabies? look it up? I don't mean to scare you, but it was the one thought I did not see mentioned below. The CDC website or Mayo clinic is the best resource.

You could also google image of rash and see if anything looks like what your son has.

A trip to the dermatologist wouldn't hurt.

Good Luck



answers from Pittsburgh on

Wild card thought--take a look at the roof of his mouth--any spots? If so, could be hand, foot and mouth disease....


answers from Dallas on

He may be getting flea bites. The fleas don't live on him, they have already bitten him and this is the reaction.

A couple yrs ago, I went to visit my brother who has a lot of dogs and 3 inside dogs. My daughter was playing with the dogs.

A day after we got back to TX, she had what appeared to be mosquito bites on her legs and I had nothing. SO I assumed much like you did. I knew bed bugs were out of the question, we too had new bedding, etc.

I took her to the pedi and I was told that she had a reaction to flea bites. I was surprised because I had no bites, my brother's kids had no bites. Dr. said that brother and his family were immune to the fleas. However, daughter was not. She also said that new bites could appear on her for up to 2 weeks. Within a week, all bites were gone and NOPE I am NOT going back to brother's house in AL.


answers from Norfolk on

How much time does he spend out side playing in the grass? My sister and I use to walk through fields around our house, and my sister got chigger bites all over her legs pretty bad. Is it possible for a mosquito or two to get into your house? Maybe your son throws off his blankets at night and is accessible for biting more than your daughter. An epsom salt and vinegar bath (2 cups of each into bath water) will be soothing on his skin and might help to make him less tasty to what ever is biting him.



answers from Chico on

If you don't have pets with fleas and no one else is getting bit, I suspect it is not flea bites. Usually fleas are hiding out in the carpet or upholstery where the animal lies and then they bite what's close and uncovered- so ankles get it, but not so much stomach and upper thigh! Maybe he is allergic to something in the new mattress? If your neighbor wants to do something about the fleas, suggest to her FleaBusters. You can search online for their website and buy from them or hire someone to come treat the house. We had an AWFUL flea infestation a couple years ago and after trying numerous flea bombs and shampooing our cat like crazy, the fleabuster stuff really got rid of them!



answers from Cleveland on

Most likely it's fleas. Every time they bite someone, they can lay up to 50 eggs. Your son is the host, and they prefer to continue to feed off of the same host. You may have to spray your house. One way to find out where they are is by placing a white piece of paper on the ground, they are for some reason attracted to white and will jump on it. This happened in our house. I was the host. My son was a crawler at the time but was not getting bit. I was the only one in the house getting bit. I vacuumed every day, but could not get rid of them until I bought RAID for FLEAS spray at Giant Eagle and sprayed just my bedroom carpet (including under the bed). Their eggs can live up to a year! I know way too much about fleas since our horrible encounter a couple of years ago. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions. Oh, and most likely they are not on the top bunk....they can't jump that high....they can only cling on carpet, fabric (dog hair)....but not human hair). I hope that helps!



answers from Los Angeles on

I used to get bit way more then anyone in my family as a kid. We used to joke that I had sweet blood. I would wash everything in hot water and vacuum the room as often as you can think of it. Give him some Benadryl if hes really itchy and perhaps some Calamine. It worked for me.


answers from Jacksonville on

Just trying to cover all the bases: Could it be hives? Maybe he is allergic to the new mattress.

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