The mattress that goes on a toddler bed is a crib mattress. If your not going to be using your crib any time soon just move the mattress over.
Hi everyone,
I have yet another question: What is the best mattress/box spring for a full bed for a toddler? I need to get a new mattress for my 2 year old and I'm not sure what the best is for her. It needs to fit a full bed and I'd like it to be comfortable (but not too soft or too hard-sounds like Goldilocks!)
The mattress that goes on a toddler bed is a crib mattress. If your not going to be using your crib any time soon just move the mattress over.
A toddler bed uses a crib mattress, nothing special. We just bought our son a toddler bed, it fits perfectly, and he's already used to it.
OK Goldilocks i like it... I found a great matress for spidey at odd lot. its a serta .
and i take it that means MJ is sleeping in her bed????
You dont call you dont write you dont emaill
Im babysitting a 4 year old you should come over.. Im sure mj would love it. the two girls can kick some spidey buttt.
give a call ###-###-####
The best mattress that I found for my son's bed is Bob's Discount Furnature. I don't remember the name of the line, but it was the cheapest one they had. It sounds aweful, but it is the most comfortable thing in the world. I wish it was my mattress. I've learned that the best thing to do with mattresses is to buy the cheapest one, and replace it every few years. Because when you take out a morgage for a mattress you end up needing a new one in 5-6 years anyway. It's not worth spending your life savings on an elaborate mattress!!!