I have a 2 year old daughter whe desperatly wants a bike. She sees my little brothers bike (way to big for her) and says she wants one. I have looked at Walmart, Target, Toys R Us, and Academy and cannot find one for her size. She will need a 10" bike and the other places only have 12". Can any of you tell me where i can find one that is small enough for a 2 year old little girl? I would like to find a "girly" one. I do not want a tricycle or anything like that. She really wants a "big girl" bike. Thank you so much!!! :)
Richardson Bike Mart - Dallas Location or Richardson Location.
I don't know how much help this will be but I got both my girls a "big girl" bike with training wheels when they were 2. This was 2 years ago so the same ones won't be there. But what I did was search online for 10" bikes and found a pretty good selection. I remember having a particularly hard time finding them locally in a store.
What ended up happening is that my mom got the bikes for the girls for Christmas and because she's not that detail oriented she didn't realize they were 12" bikes instead of 10". We lucked out because the seat could be adjusted. So we made it as low as it would possibly go by taking the tail light off which gave us another 1 1/2 inches or more. It worked and what's nice is 2 years later they're still riding those bikes and our neighbors have already had to buy new bikes.
So if you decide you don't want to order online, you could look at the options in the store and see if there are any that have seats that can be adjusted more than the others.
good luck
I got this one for my 2 yr old son (of course I got the red/blue one). He loves it, and I love how it has a handle just in case I need to help him a little. And the handle is removable. I think it is a great starter bike.
I found a small bike at Academy 6 months to a year ago small enough for my 2 year old. As for the small bike without brakes. Sounds scary, but the pedals go backward like a tricycle, so it looks like a bike with training wheels, but the pedals operate like a tricycle.