Birth Control for over 35 Mom

Updated on March 22, 2010
E.K. asks from Dallas, TX
9 answers

Any ideas on safe birth control for over 35 women? My OBGYN has said that the pill is not safe due to increased risk of blood clots. I recently got an IUD but haven't been happy with the side effects and am planning on taking it out.

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answers from Dallas on

I considered fem cap which is simlar to a diaphram, but smaller. I have not used it, but it is an option that does not contain hormones & seems fairly easy to use. My obgyn is in her 40's and says this is what she uses.

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answers from Dallas on

If you know you are done having kids, I have seen ads for ESSURE. It says it's permanent and done right in the Dr.s office.

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answers from Kansas City on

I am almost 44 and still on the pill. It is a mini-pill I should know the name but it has very low dose of estrogen and progesterone. I was first put on it in my 20's for heavy periods and excessive bleeding. My obygn does not have a problem with me with on it for this length of time. I do not have high blood pressure, do not smoke or any other health issues. For me, it works. I have 3 beautiful kids who are very active. For me the pill lessens my periods, keeps us from having more children and I do not have the headaches and severe backaches I had 20 years ago before going on the pill. Wishing you the best!



answers from Amarillo on

Which IUD do you have and what side effects? I have the Mirena and have gained a ton of weight and want it out too.
Thanks for asking this question.




answers from San Diego on

how long have you had the iud? i have had it for almost a year now and the side affects have subsided. what iud did you go with? if you went with the 10year one(wich is what i did) there is no hormonese in it to make you have massave side affects and there is less chance of anything bothering you. i have overan cycsts and it doesn't seem to bother them at all, my obgyn told me that because i got the longer term one it would help with my inblance because all other birth control did something to mess with me. also my mom is also on that mini pill she is 40.



answers from Dallas on

On the same note as another below. If you are finished having children, maybe your significant can get a vasectomy and you won't have to worry about the hormones, etc.

Just a thought:)



answers from Dallas on

I am 47 and still on the pill, I have never had any problems with it. I do not smoke and do not have any other health issues that would cause concern.



answers from New York on

i am 35 on a pill. my ob said next appt she wants to discuss with me switching to something else. i am not giving up the pill. it has saved my life due to endometriosis.


answers from Tyler on

It takes about 3 months for the IUD to regulate the hormones, then it is smooth sailing from there. I've had mine for about 5 yrs (almost time to replace) and it's great. Think about giving it some time, but definitely call your OB's office and ask their opinion.

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