Hi A., I am someone who grew up w/ a birthmark on the face. I have a shadowed birthmark right below my left eye. It's about 1/2 wide and 3 inches long. I used to be self-conscious about it, but I rarely ever got made fun of. I can seriously only remember 2 people say something (to my face anyways) when I was defending a girl who had a large mole on her face (I tried to take the spotlight off her). Mine isn't every dark either. Just don't be worried about it, kids are cruel and they always will be. You can't protect her if something happens, BUT there are also a lot of wonderful people that won't even notice something so minor. Even with a birthmark in such a prominent place I had a great childhood, decent adolescence and teen years (not too many people really enjoy those years anyways), and a great adulthood. I have a wonderful husband and 2 gorgeous children! I hope this helps a little bit...well I hope a LOT! =)