Ok, so here is my experience... Hope it helps!
I had a breast enlargement in my mid-20s because I was a little lopsided (TMI, I know). Anyway, my daughter is now 22 months old and breastfeed beautifully until she weened herself at 9 months. However, with that said... I am looking into having mine fixed because like you, I am not done having babies either. Although my husband says my breasts look great, I know they are different than before my daughter.
Thus, here is my advice... if you really are considering a breast augmentation but you are done having babies.... WAIT! (Sorry didn't mean to yell, just wanted to get my point across) Your breast will change with every pregnancy and there is no point in spending thousands of dollars just to be disappointed or have to have it redone again later. Take if from someone who knows.
I know is sucks but I would suggest a padded push-up bra until you are done with the babies... give yourself a year or two afterward to make sure you are still up for the idea and then start doing the research. Just a word of caution: if you do go ahead with the procedure, you will not be able to lift anything heavy meaning over 20-25 lbs for several weeks. So you'll want to make sure that baby is walking and Daddy is around to help those first few weeks.
Good Luck and don't be too hard on yourself... I know I am. I am sure you are just as beautiful as always. We are our own worst critics... aren't we?
Good Luck and hang in there!