Well I have a lot of experience with cats. Growing up we raised Himalayan kittens, so we had non-neutered males and non-spayed females, as well as those fixed. We had a lot of spraying around the house and I'm leaning towards that it was the males who did it most, though not absolutely sure. I do know when it came time to get a cat with my hubby 10 years ago (I'm now 35) I told my husband it would be best to get a female because boys urinate more. He disagreed and we got my "Happy" boy. I love him very much, but he did start urinating pretty early on (before 1 year). We got him neutered in the first 4 months of life, so that wasn't the issue. At first I thought it was that he didn't like catboxes that had any waste in them, so I tried to make sure to clean it daily. Then I got an automatic catbox, etc., but nothing really helped. When he was about 3 or 4 he got very sick and we found that he had a large stone in his bladder. He also had a lot of crystals in his urinary tract. He had to have surgery that cost about $1000 and is on special food now. He pees less outside of the box, but still does at times. He knows he gets in trouble for it, so he tends to pace around bug-eyed before doing it and if I'm here I take him to the box for him to go (which he does on command).
So, if I were to get another cat, I think I would again opt for a female (I have a 17yo female, as well). I say that because up until a couple years ago, she NEVER went potty outside the box and she has Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Of course, now that she's elderly and unwell, she rarely makes pee or poo inside the box (yey for me!). So, really, neither of my cats can be trusted to make it to the box 100% of the time, but she did great until she became incontinent.
Some people may say that the males are more affectionate and less standoff-ish. Females may tend to be more independent, normally. I really think it's how you raise them because both of my cats are dependent on me for love and affection and I wouldn't have it any other way (except that she meows all night because she wants attention- ugg!).
So, I say get a female, but that just my experience and opinion. I wouldn't trade my Happy for anything in the world, now that I have and love him, but I still wish we had gotten his sister (shh, don't tell him).