Hi there, with my first son, one of my sisters also had a 6 week old baby and had to go back to work for the airlines so, she couldn't pump at all because there was no where to keep it frozen for the 4 days she'd be gone. So, I was a wet nurse for her baby for 9 months. I'd feed my baby, and then pump for hers. Basically, I was nursing two babies. I commend you on your dedication at breast feeding. It seems these days, mothers give up so easily, not knowing ahead of time that breastfeeding truly is a commitment and hard work. ie; eating enough calories, drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest; essential for successful breastfeeding. Anyway, if your baby is just missing one breastfeeding session, he should be okay with solid food and a sippie cup of water. I have 4 kids and when things would get busy for us and I didn't have time or privacy to stop, the sippie would work great. Just make sure it's one of those "no spill" so that he holds on to his great sucking for breast feeding, otherwise, he might get lazy, and not want to work at breastfeeding. You are doing an awesome job. I also read other responses and I have to add that I would be careful about cow's milk. The actual protein cell in cow's milk is larger than the cells in our breastmilk and is hard for babies to digest. They commonly have a bad reaction and don't suspect it's the milk. I switched to goat's milk with my kids and it worked just great. All of my kids couldn't handle cow's milk until about the age of 4. The symptoms of the cow's milk upseting their little bodies would be; little red dots around their mouth, frequent yeast rash on their bottom, yucky, unusual smelling dirty diapers. I never had a problem with goat's milk. They now have goat's milk in a powder form so, it's great for on- the-go. My sister with 7 children can vouch for all of this too. The situation was the same for her kids, and she was very successful with goat's milk. Well, I'll call this novel finished and let you get back to life. Good luck and God Bless. A.