I'm sorry you're going through this... I genuinely know exactly what you're talking about. My love and I have been there. If you both agree that it is best and it is what you want too, then yes, give it time and you will grow stronger and be able to handle being apart... it usually gets easiest when you start dating again, but jumping right into that isn't a good idea... give yourself time to mourn and go through the stages of loss. And remember, even if you feel lonely, you're not alone (God is always there) and you won't always feel alone... there are lot's of people out there and I'm sure many would love to find a girl like you. Keep your friends close, stay busy (out of the house if possible), and remind yourself of the things that are better for both of you when you're apart.
However, if you're not sure and you do want to hold things together then there are some things you probably need to sort through because love isn't enough... not by itself. You have to be willing to to do a lot on top of love, like change, accept, commit, etc and none of those things is easy. Also, fighting all the time isn't good for your baby or you or your hunny so being willing to get help can be a key factor. Another big obstacle, you do both need to be equally dedicated to this. You can't hold it together for both of you.
If you try to work on it, it will be a long, hard, difficult process... but most things in life are, especially those that really matter.
My b/f and I have been together for about three years. We have had lot's of problems. We have even been physical with each other. However, we do love each other with everthing we have in us. We are both dedicated to making this work. I am very fortunate to have a man who is willing to keep up the good fight no matter how long it takes... we won't give up on each other and our ability to make this work. After we had our daughter, we knew that being a family and the wonderful gift that is, is more important to us to than all the little things that set us off and make us fight. We have a lot of differences, but more than anything we are a lot alike... which allows you to be acutely aware of each others flaws because they are the same as our own! We decided to stick it out around August of last year. I had moved home to Mom's and we split and my life never felt more empty. I know that someone else could love me... that I'm beautiful and smart and I won't ever have to be alone... but just 'someone' isn't enough... I want the father of my child and the man I already love. It has been hard for us to hold it together. We are getting help and we face each day one at a time. We still fight, but we have enough control to wait until we're alone. And we're working on it.
I know that was a lot to say... I hope you can do some self reflection and find your answer. The biggest question for me was "Am I willing to let go of the things that frustrate me and accept that this is how my life will be?" You can't spend all your time wishing everything is different and blaming each other for the fact that its not.
I wish you the very best and I hope you can feel good about whatever decision you make. You can message if you need to talk... I know its hard to feel lonely and that feeling can prevent you from doing what you need to do.