Calling All Utah Mama's

Updated on November 02, 2006
L.D. asks from Salt Lake City, UT
9 answers

Do any of you feel like you need to get out of the house??? I do, I am having problems however finding other Mom's to go out with. Everyone needs a break from their kids and sometimes even husband. Anyone have any great ideas of something to get us out of the house. Because I Love my kids, but I don't remember the last time I went out without them.

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answers from Salt Lake City on


They have a full calendar of events. Some with kids on some without. Thier mommy nights out are the funnest!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Hi L.,
My name is A. and I am a member of a moms club here in the valley. We get together a couple of times a week to do fun stuff for us and the kids. I am a work from home mom, but there are other women in the group who work outside of their homes and still participate with the moms club. Let me know and I will email you a calendar to see if it is something you may be interested in.

Mom of four amazing munchkins.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Salt Lake City on

where in Indiana are you from? I grew up there and just moved here in January. I have a daugther who will turn 4 next month.




answers from Salt Lake City on

hi L..
i fully understand the needing to get out of the house. my son and i just moved here from louisiana in august and i've been home with him most of the time. he is a wonderful child but i'm kinda use to his father taking him every other weekend and now i have him all the time. my mom helps out and watches him when i need to run errands r just want to get out but sadly i don't know anyone here to go hang out with. my son will be 2 next month and i don't even have mommy friends with kids his age to invite to his party, just people my mom works with. anytime u need to get out and need someone to talk to i'm here. if u want to talk just email me. hope u get the alone time u need.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Have you ever heard of MOPS? Mothers of Preschoolers (kids infant through kindergarten) is a fun moral support group for all moms. or call Peggy Douglas ###-###-####



answers from Salt Lake City on

I also moved from Indiana to Utah a few years ago. What a change!

I would be thrilled to get together with you and the other mom, Susanne to have a "Hoosier" mom get together and we could all take our children out to some great places. It is good to find peopel that you have things in common with when you are new to the state!




answers from Salt Lake City on

Check out , they have different nights they have girl's night out and certain play dates, etc.

Good Luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Hey well I am also 22 I have three kids and just moved here in July too... I live in Magna I don't know if you know where that is it is like 15 or 20 minutes from Salt Lake City. Well if you are interested I have a few free days a week for the next few weeks and then I will be free all the time. But maybe you would like to meet somewhere and have lunch or something I am dying to meet another mother anywhere to do something with even if it is crafts or something I like that very much... Well you can e mail me if you would like hope to hear from you.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I found this website very helpful.
Some groups are seperated by location and you must live in their area to participate.

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