Christmas Pictures

Updated on October 25, 2007
J.K. asks from Lakeland, FL
10 answers

This year I want to try to get a christmas picture with both my 2 year old and 1year. Does anyone know of a good place to take pics with toddlers? I need someone with nerves of steel, and a quick flash. Thanks a lot. I live in the Lakeland.

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answers from Lakeland on

I have taken my son to Sears Essentials in South Lakeland. It has always been a wonderful experience. Mandy is the one that takes his pics. She always remembers us by name and takes the time to get the shot I want.

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answers from Tampa on

Hi, J.. My friend and I recently started a photography business and could take your pics for you! Children are much more relaxed in their own environment or out at a park/beach. Our website is and you can reach us at

K. :)



answers from Lakeland on

I have always had my daughters pics taken at Walmart (much cheaper!!) but the WM on North 98 was horrendous, to the point where I went to corporate and asked for my money back. If you do decide to go there, please do not use 'Cher', wait till the other photographer was there. She was horrible, unfriendly and you could just tell she didn't want to be there. She told my child to sit down and smile, and that was it. No encouragement, no making her laugh. Just a 'sit there and smile'. I hope this helps in your decision making. :) Good Luck.



answers from Lakeland on

Hi J. I have a friend who takes good pcitures and reasonables prices,her website is
if you need more info let me know



answers from Tampa on

Picture People! I'm not sure if there is one out in Lakeland but there is one in Brandon. Go online to picture and then you can see if one is near you and print our a coupon for free 8/10 or 10/13. They are super frenldly. I've been taking my 2 yr old since she was newborn and just recently took her and my 2month old. they are super patient and are kid frendly.
good luck!!



answers from Tampa on

I've used JCPenney's in Lakeland Square Mall twice, and they've done an excellent job with my 3yr old. I don't know the lady's name, but I believe she's the manager of the studio. She's fabulous!



answers from Lakeland on

Hey J., I live in Lakeland and I have a photography business...I use either my home studio or location work. You can check out my If you are interested after viewing the photos you can contact me @ and I'll let you know prices. I am pretty reasonable and LOVE what I do. I have 3 little ones of my own so I know about toddlers on the go:)




answers from Lakeland on

I have been using JCPenney portrait studio for the past two years. I have a 5 year old and a 22 month old. my youngest does not like pictures, but we have always had such great luck there. I use the one Lakeland. Hope this helps



answers from Tampa on

I highly recommend Jessica at Sears in Lakeland Square Mall. I won't take my babies anywhere else.



answers from Tampa on

my sister had real good luck with the wal-mart in zephyrhills. they took real good pics of my nieces from the time they were little. the oldest is 11. the youngest is 5 (and she's still a munchkin to take her pictures)

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