you have been given asthma meds, yet they wont "test" for asthma? Sorry, that doctor is nuts. see someone else. My middle DD had asthma so severe (started with a cough & took liquid ventolin) she ended up using a nebulizer till she was 5. First SEVERE asthma attack almost took her life. At 16 months. I wouldnt wait until symptoms get worse. or until he's 2. Cough meds are not recommended for asthma, as they supress the cough, which you need to cough up some of the mucous that comes with asthma. Most cough medicines state right on the bottle, dont use if asthmatic. The good thing is, if & when asthma starts in a child this young, they eventually outgrow it, by 12 or so. My DD did, thankfully. Those were some scary years, when she was little. Keep a log of his symptoms, what he was doing when they started, any illnesses, playing in a certain room, log it all, so you have something to show the doctor when you go.