I agree with Denise... go with your daughter to the local businesses that are A) In the same area where the golf tournament well be held B) near the school that your daughter goes to and C) businesses close to you. Dentists, hardware store, local family businesses... those are usually the places you can easily talk to the person who makes the call to pay for things. Come prepared with cost(s), dates of event, and all other info that is needed (if you have not gotten all the info for the event talk to whomever is in charge, the more info the prospect advertiser gets the better chance of them actually sponsoring).
Fundraisers I would just go to neighbors, family & friends... if you want others to support your daughter then be prepared to support others to when the time comes. Give & Take. If you do not want to buy from their child then do not go around and just dish out the money yourself. If you belong to a church but something in the bulletin about looking for businesses or people to sponsors golf holes... also any other group your daughter is involved with have her always bring her fundraiser stuff along (I always buy from kids in my church, chocolate, cookie dough and so on).