What type of work is this for? My husband is a carpenter; he may be able to help you out. If he can't, I'm sure he knows someone who can.
Good luck!!!!!
Hi Mamas, please can anyone tell me where I can hire a couple of day laborers in the Aurora/Naperville area? Also, what's the going rate? Thank you!
What type of work is this for? My husband is a carpenter; he may be able to help you out. If he can't, I'm sure he knows someone who can.
Good luck!!!!!
I work in West Chicago, and I don't know if this is really what you're looking for, but we use temps, and it can be on a day to day basis. We use a company called Labor Temps, and I know they have a few locations, so I'm sure there's one in your area. They charge $10.50 an hour here.
You can call Labor Ready in Bolingbrook. There isn't one in Naperville. They should be able to tell you the going rate.
I am a landlord and I know someone in almost every field . After many years of being ripped off - I finally have a group of people that are honest and afforable. Let me know exactly what you are looking for. Thanks - M.