I have taught and directed childcare for years.
It has been my experience that inhome daycare is one of the BEST options for children. As long as your child has at least one good year of preschool she will be set for Kindergarden. Most MDO programs do not focus on acedemics. But most full time preschools have part time programs as well. From 8 or 9 til noon or 2pm is when they do most of their curriculum. I would highly recommend a christian preschool if at all possible. It wouldn't hurt to get on the list at one you like when she is three for the next year when she is four. I hope that made sense.
I hope this helps, but I would keep her in the care she is in until she's 3 or 4. Sunny Days Christian Preschool is in Frisco and I highly recommend them. But I would search for preschools in your area first and tour them.
Hope this helps.