Whoa! Good for you! I am doing the same this summer. I don't have any grand ideas for paperwork, but I do for photos, if you have a lot of loose photos sitting around, etc. My children send me photos of my grandchildren, etc., and I finally have all my photos organized and in one place.
It is called the Creative Memories Power Sort Box. It is a large box that organizes 2400 photos and the neat thing is that the LID has room for large 8 x 10 photos and 11 x 13 photos!
I have one for each of my children and in case of a fire, I am running out the door with my Power Sort Boxes and my family albums!
View at www.mycmsite.com/marycluley "shop products" "while supplies last." It truly is a SOLUTION to disorganized photos and photos that are turning brown in the old "magnetic" type albums, if you haven't looked in those lately!
I hope you have found this helpful in some way!