Take your child in to the doctor please. If you have already taken him in to a doctor and they said it's no big deal, take him to a totally different doctor. IANAD (I am not a doctor), but I am aware of a disease which causes a child's urine to smell like maple syrup (chances are, the smell is coming from his diaper if he's 11 1/2 months old). He may have an inability to process certain amino acids in the body. From what I know, if left untreated it can lead to seizures or coma.
Your son's behavior though, I'd like to tell you, is for the most part perfectly normal for his age..except for that 10-12 hour stretch at night. I can't remember my kids ever sleeping that well at such an age. However we did have 3-hour naps--those are wonderful! Playing by himself for 1-2 hours is awesome for a little one that age. The not holding a bottle or crawling might mean he may need an evaluation from a Birth-to-Three program (call your local hospital for information on how to connect with them). I do urge you to get him to the doctor's for having the amino acid issue looked at because the fact that he smells like maple syrup is a real red flag. I wish you warmth and love and peace!