Diva Cup

Updated on October 25, 2008
R.J. asks from Flower Mound, TX
20 answers

I saw an ad for the Diva Cup in Vegetarian Times magazine and someone mentioned it for an 11 year old just starting out. I was wondering if it would be good for me and/or my daughter. Anybody want to share their experience, good or bad?

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answers from Dallas on

I love menstrual cups, though I like sea sponge tampons better probably. You might have to try a few different styles to find the right fit for you. There is a forum that covers all styles of menstrual cups thoroughly so that you can make a good decision. Google menstrual cup forum and see if you can find it.

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answers from Dallas on

You have a ton of information already, but I just wanted to add that I LOVE my Diva Cup. I've used it for a couple of years now, and can't imagine ever going back to tampons or pads. It's saved me a ton of money, too. I don't think I would feel comfortable recommending it to an 11 year old, or even a young teenager, though.

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answers from Dallas on


It is a menstural device that fits inside the vagina (sort of like a tampon). Many people are sensitive to the chemicals in the cotton of pads & tampons.

It is basically a "cup" that catches the blood. It needs to be emptied 2-3 times per day for most people.

It took me about 1 cycle to get used to it. The 1-800 number on the box puts you intouch with a nurse who can help with any issues.

I love mine. I would not recommend it for an 11 year old probably, but later, after she is comfortable with tampons & such then it would be fine to try.

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answers from Dallas on

I love, and highly recommend, a Diva cup for adult use. I didn't discover them until about a year before I conceived my first child. It was comfortable then, and was comfortable when my periods restarted after my first was born. I have had only one leak, and that was on the first use. I have found it to be much more comfortable than tampons ever were. Of course, I am a bit of a hippy and also use cloth pads. I can tell you that since I quit putting chemical laced cotton in such a delicate area, I have quit having as many period symptoms.

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answers from Dallas on

ok whats a Diva Cup?


answers from Dallas on

I had a hysterectomy in 2001 and I don't have to deal with periods, Thank goodness. Best decision I ever made.

I too, have never heard of a Diva cup and it sounds really gross to me. I would not ever use that. It is just something that is not for me.

I would certainly not introduce it to my 13 yr old. It would gross her out as well. She uses tampons and pads.

Best wishes to you and on your decision.



answers from Dallas on

I LOVE my diva cup! I decided to try one a couple years ago, since I saw that they had a money-back guarantee. I thought I would probably not like it, and return it, but then I could say I tried it. I LOOOOVE it. I always hated tampons and didn't like pads much either. I can't feel it at all and I forget I'm even on my period (except for the PMS of course). And it's reusable, so I never run out of feminine products and I don't generate any trash that way! HIGHLY recommend it.



answers from Dallas on

I second the question about what is a Diva Cup??? Never heard of it.



answers from Dallas on

I have had mine for 4 years. I LOVE IT. I used to have terrible cramps when I used tampons. The cramps have greatly improved since I switched. I also noticed that the tampons made me too dry. I never noticed it before. I think it would be good for a teen. It sits low inside so you should not have to worry about her getting hurt.



answers from Dallas on

I use one and love it. When my daughter starts I will let her use one too. They currently come in two sizes. I wouldn't change back to tampons for the world. It prevents the need for changing and carrying things to school with you which has been known to cause embarrassment to lots of girls!
Good luck.



answers from McAllen on

I looked it up but haven't tried it. I would think that if you laid down with it in there, the blood would just flow back up. That just sounds gross to me. Right now I'm on Progestin only pills, so I don't have a period, but I might look into it later. Not sure if I'd make my 11 year old use it though.



answers from Dallas on

I don't think an 11 yr old is mature enough for the proper usage of a product like that. Or for a virgin either, it wouldn't be as comfortable.



answers from Dallas on

I'd not heard of this product before your post & checked out the website. Years ago, I used the other store brand called Instead. Back then (haven't checked since) it was a one size fits all & it didn't fit me. I always leaked and ended up with a big mess. After that I've stuck to old reliables. I am curious to hear about this product and how well it works!

Thanks for posting this!



answers from Dallas on

I probably wouldn't let my 11 yo use the Diva Cup. I think I would natural tampons and cloth pads for her when she starts getting her period. I might introduce her to the Diva cup of the Keeper when she was in the second half of her teens though.



answers from Dallas on

I have used Instead for many years now, about 10-12 years. I am sure they are the same thing. I find it very comfortable, They are disposable, and come about 14 to a pack. Kroger's sells them. The difference is a pack of 14 would last me three months when I was having my heavy periods and now that I have had my ablation and almost never have more than one day of bleeding, I only use one a month.

They can be messy, but you dont need to change them nearly as often. This might be TMI, but it seems to be asked, with time, you can learn to empty it when you go to the bathroom. Kegals work great for this. Clean with toliet paper, wash your hands like normal and go on with your day. I never change mine unless I am at home in my bathroom.

I am excited to see so much interest, I have been afraid since I first found them they would be discontinued because of lack of interest. I have even told my DR about them.



answers from Dallas on

R., as for the 1st part of your question, I wouldn't recommend for an 11 year old necessarily. It seems to me more like something a grown up woman that is researching coping with her monthly would look into and use. That's just me, of course.

As for experience, I have used this for about 2 years pre-pregnancy and loved it. I did not have any problems with discomfort or leaks although the key for me was relaxing and not being in a hurry when I was "installing" it. What was really great about it is that I could wear it ALL day and not have to dump it until I got home from work which was awesome, also great when on road trips, not to worry about accidents or messing with pads/tampons, etc.

Post pregnancy, I have had a ridiculous growth of my endometrial lining and my flow is so heavy that I have to empty it out every 4 hours which I am NOT willing to mess with outside of my home. Too messy and I am a germaphobe.

Someone else posted the link to DivaCup's website, I highly recommend checking out their FAQ's, that's really was helped me decide whether I wanted to try it or not and answered a lot of wierd questions that popped into my brain during and after shopping for this thing.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

The Diva Cup is a reusable device for periods. It is shaped SORTA like a diaphragm. You insert it during a period, and it catches the discharge. You rinse it out and reuse it.

To some this sounds gross but it is a good option for those who are environmentally friendly.

For an 11-year-old, I would say she's too young to mess with it. I would just use pads for an 11-year-old. But for a mom, I'd say it's fine as long as you are comfortable with that type of thing inside you. Keep in mind you might get your hands "dirty" from time to time, so if you're queasy about this sort of thing you may want to skip it.



answers from Dallas on

I think it would be fine for you if that's your wish but for your 11 yr. old DD it does state that "if you wish to keep the hyman intact that you may want to wait until you are no longer a virgin to use the Diva Cup." Just something to think about. I personally think that the insertion of it would be difficult for an 11 yr. old just getting her period but thats JMO. HTH



answers from Dallas on

I have been using the Diva Cup for a couple of months and I love it. I found it a lot easier to use than I expected and it is much more comfortable than any tampoons I have ever used. It is recommeded for all ages on the companay's website and I think any young girl who would be comfortable with a tampoon with would be ok with the Diva Cup. I also think it would be easier for young girls than tampoons becuase you only have to change it 2-3 times a day. So most of the time you only have to take it in at out at home which is much easier than remembering to take tampoons with you everywhere. And you don't have the health risks associated with tampoons.



answers from Dallas on

i have one & like it, fwiw. my vagina is kinda on the smaller side, so even after 2 kids & over 30, the small works for me - after some trimming. a previous poster mentioned the menstrual cup forum; that's a great suggestion & it would prolly be really helpful for ya. your daughter might find a diva cup comfy or she might not, it depends.

so, not to be snarky, but it sounds like a personal decision to me.

how about trying it for yourself and just asking your daughter for her feelings on trying it or not? ;D

edited to add:
i guess i'm just 'in the mood,' but i mean only to inform, not to offend, in mentioning this to tiffany: my dear, if you are taking pills that limit your periods, where do you figure the endometrial linings *are* when you don't shed them? ;D

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