Hmmm... Chiropractic can help, however I have had nothing but bad luck with them on both sides of the fence: as a client and for working with one. Many will try to use the insurance money (which locks you into them.) or they will use scare tactics if they have fancy machinery.
I would recommend CranialSacral Therapy first. This truly has helped and I have read research on it. Another thing that has helped my son (also had tubes and infections w/ tubes but not nearly as bad or long)... I have given my son reflexology treatments: This helps to clear the cold stages (as most URI's lead into the ear infection - at least for my son) and in the ear infection stage, a reflexologist can focus on those areas. I have had luck with my son and a few client's little ones by getting rid of the infection if not the next day, it was the second day after seeing them.
Just two other natural alternative options to consider. And Reflexology can easily address allergies - I do this for myself and my son daily, as well as clients. Check your area for a practitioner.
Edit: The chiro I worked at did not believe in my work (reflexology / massage. He really wanted to just have it in his office to attract potential clients. Plus he overstepped his bounds by trying to adjust my little boy w/out my permission when my son was with me one day. That was my last day as I was livid. that is dangerous as he could have caused serious nerve damage as I was holding my son.