I took my daughter when she was one, to the Loop in Southland Mall. Did a really good job!
Can anyone recommend a place where I can take my 8-month old to have her ears pierced? My pediatrician does not do it. I've tried contacting other pediatricians but have been told that they only provide the service to their own patients. Thank you.
I took my daughter when she was one, to the Loop in Southland Mall. Did a really good job!
I took my daughter to corey's in the mall to get her ears done. They turned out very good she was 2mo when i did it she's 9mo now.
I took my older daughter to the mall. They use hypoallergenice studs. Try a higher end jewlery store at the mall they usually do it for under $25. When my youngest daughter got hers done it was in at a jewelery store and I had the added advantage of having 2 sales associates help so they did both ears at once it was over before she knew what happened.
I took my daughter at 3 months old to Clairs in Oakland mall good luck.
Hi, my name is R.. In response to your question, if you live near the Oakland Mall there is a place called The Loop. It is inside the mall near JC Penny, they are very friendly and gentle. Hope this helps!!
Good luck,
I took my daughter at 8 months to Corey's Jewel Box at Oakland Mall. They were very good. If you can, have both ears done at the same time. It makes it so much easier for the baby. My daughter unfortunately pulled hers out after 7 months. Good Luck!
my mom toke me to one of those ear piercing places in the mall to get mine pierced 26 years ago. it works i still have my holes.