BE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know you are going in today -- but REFUSE to LEAVE YOUR DAUGHTER.
so what are they going to do??? CANCEL ? the procedure? (which if you look at yesterdays Orlando Sentinel -- story in there -- tubes are not necessary -- but in some extreme cases)
But if you REALLY agree that TUBES are the way to go -- DO NOT leave her side..........not that THE DOCTORS are going to do anything wrong if you are not wouldn't know anyway........but for your own child's comfort and feelings.
BE A MAMA BEAR. and if they cancel the procedure (which they won't -- $$) -- then find another facility......this is a BIG DEAL for your little one -- ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO LEAVE HER SIDE because you will just frighten this little one to death and there is absolutely NO REASON for them to put that stipulation unless they think YOU are going to freak out during the operation and have to be sedated.......once your daughter is OUT -- then agree to leave -- NOT UNTIL THEN
(by the way, i hope you've have several opinions about these opinions -- putting kids out is always a risk -- not to give you even more worries) -- But for the question you asked -- I had to respond -- DO NOT LET THE MEDICAL AUTHORITIES BULLY YOU -- YOUR KID -- YOU ARE THE ONLY PROTECTOR!!
hope you stay with her -- until she's out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!