Oy. Pregnancy hormones will make you nutty and paranoid.
Please turn off the TV. No more reality TV for you.
I would head to the library and pick out some good, encouraging books to read. Make some tea or cocoa and a bowl of popcorn. Take a walk (exercise releases HAPPY endorphins).
FORCE yourself to do some happy stuff. And then, if your'e still feeling yucky, talk to your husband about YOUR insecurities. Own them as yours, but share them and ask him to help you work through them. But only AFTER you've done some things to help yourself out of the funk a little bit.
C. Lee
ETA: I forgot to do some cheerleading.
You are an AWESOME wife and your hubby loves you. Size ten or size six, he didn't choose you because of a couple of pant sizes. He chose you because you are his perfect match. And that's why you chose him.
Get your a$$ off the couch and go for a walk. Go drive around with hubs and look at Christmas lights. Put decorations up. Already have? Go to Hobby Lobby (50% off all Christmas decor this week!). There's always room for more. None up yet? WTH? Get up and do it!
YOU are better than this woman sitting on her couch feeling sorry for herself. You are strong and lovely. You are smart and thoughtful.
Get up. Go put your arms around your husband and lean into him.