Of course, a doctor will probably tell you that an hour is all you should keep the milk out...for liability reasons, they don't want to be sued over having told you something and your baby would get sick...but I have four children all of them nearly grown, our "babies" (twins) are now 17 years old. I gave all four of them formula and used all of it and after a while if they didn't drink it all, I refrigerated it and when they needed it again, I took the lid off the bottle, microwaved it and gave it to them. Formula is just too expensive to throw away. So, my four kids, none of them ever once got sick from me doing this. Sometimes I'd make up bottles in the morning and have them out (in the diaper bag) for hours and never a problem. Back then people just weren't as UPTIGHT as parents are now a days...everyone is completely germ conscious...use common sense and for the most part all should be well. We just never, ever had a problem with it! Good Luck.