Before you start looking seriously, go to a bank that does home loans and try to get pre-approved for a loan. Banks will usually give you a check list of what they need from you to apply for a loan. Sometimes a realtor can help with this process by suggesting a bank that makes loans to first timers with limited capabilities. If you can pay off some debt and or save money to cover closing costs that would increase your chances of getting a loan. There are some special deals out there for young couples like you. Also if you happen to be Native American sometimes your tribe can help with the loan. Do you have family members that might be able to give you help with a down payment or closing costs? Be cautious that you do not get a loan with a large balloon payment in the future or an adjustable interest rates that can increase drastically. When you do start to look for a house keep in mind that some parts of Tulsa (or small towns in the surrounding area)are much more reasonably priced for the same amount of space. Another important factor is the school district, it can increase your investment and ability to resale. Also check out the crime rate in the area where you want to look, it can hurt the future value if crime is rising in the area of your home. I would suggest you not look at condos or mobile homes they don't resale as easily when you are ready to move up. You can get lots of this information by researching old articles at the newspaper site on line or go to any public library and they can assist you in finding the information. Use this next six months to educate yourself and the process will go more smoothly. If you and your husband are handy and willing to put in some hard work you can make some really nice improvements with limited investment. Clean up the yard, trim old shrubs, paint inside and out, take out carpets if there are hardwoods underneath and refinish or clean the wood, have bath tubs, sinks, and counters refinished.
Sorry this is so long. It is really wise to invest in a home that increases in value instead of paying rent that is money never seen again. Good luck with finding a home. I would love for you to put a message on when you find your starter house and give hints to everyone wanting to buy a home for the first time.