Diana, God created most women to be Moms - what you are feeling is normal. Some women call it their internal clock, hormones, etc. Our bodies were designed to have multiple babies and our emotions flow right along with that. You are not crazy. I have met many a woman who likes to hold another woman's baby to "get her baby fix".
As far as not being able to have another right now, of course, there is never the perfect time. However, you and your husband do have to agree when the right time is. You skipping pills without telling him, could cause friction if it resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. And a stressful pregnancy is NOT want you want.
For the time, be content with where you are in life. I have found that until we are content with what we have and where we are - we don't move on to the next stage. You are fixating on a situation that you cannot change right now. Focus on the good things in your life. Think about good things - positive things. Think about how you can help others. Join a Mom's play group or a Mother's Morning Out program - even if you use that time to go to the hospital to rock sick babies!! :) Maybe you can use your maternal instincts to help others - or keep a baby for a working Mom.
When my oldest son turned 18 months, I went through a time when I couldn't have a baby - and it was terribly painful for me for a while. I couldn't even look at a pregnant woman without crying and I certainly couldn't hold a baby. But in time, I figured out that I needed to stop spending so much time thinking about what I did not have and focus on what I did have. In time, I had the next child - and I relished every minute of it b/c I had to wait! It was awesome.
I hope this helps.