... Does your Husband know... you have been depressed/Grieving.... All this time... with each subsequent passing of those close to you?
And that you have NO ONE.... to help you?
This is really important.... for mental health.
You have FIVE kids.... plus dealing with all of this, alone.
And he is not home.
I think, if you can talk with your Husband about it.... can't he understand and think of your well-being.... and THUS, get a babysitter for you.... or give you some NEEDED time off and for grieving etc.?
My Mom, attended a great "grief support group" when my Dad died. 10 years ago. She will goes sometimes, when she feels..... sad.
It GREATLY helped her.
It is very.... necessary... to take care of your mental health.
With all that you have to deal with, putting yourself on the backburner because you have 5 kids, are alone and isolated... with no relatives/support there for you..... you could really have an emotional AND Mental breakdown.....
Your Husband... NEEDS to think of that.
No one is monitoring... YOU.
...ie: When my Dad died... and my Mom was grieving... I paid CLOSE attention to her/her behavior/her emotions/her logic/her actions... JUST to make sure she was not having a mental breakdown... or nervous breakdown... or emotional breakdown. Because... she was very... much grieving and so lost.... without my Dad.
So.... other people, when someone is grieving... HAS TO.... keep close kind watch... of the person to make sure they are okay... and not depressed/suffering etc.
For me, I even had to make sure that my Mom ATE.... healthily. Simple things like that, even.
My other friend, had Vertigo.... for about 1 year. Just due to STRESS... and a non-involved busy Husband.
You basically have had no allowances... to even deal with all these peoples passing, nor grieving about it.
Your Husband, I repeat.... NEEDS to think about that. You are his Wife and he needs to think of you and care for you... too.
My friend's Husband, since he is gone due to work all the time and hardly home... got her a 3 times weekly "Nanny" for the evenings... so that, she can have time to herself. She.... was literally breaking down and crying... so much... due to the stress and her 3 ACTIVE boys and a newborn... that she was literally going nuts.
Sure, they all say a Woman has to take time for herself, keep busy, find a hobby etc. But at times like this... these things don't cut it.
Not in your situation.
I think, you HAVE TO enlist your Husband in this... TELL him... and he HAS to help you. SINCE he is away so much..... he can't just IGNORE the home-front nor his Wife's mental health.
You have lot on your plate....
You said "you" do not have money for a Sitter.
But hey.... THIS is your Husband's "job" to pay for it..... not you.
The one thing missing here, in all of this is:
That your Husband... is not doing anything, to help you. You are stranded with 5 kids, daily, have suffered the loss of many close people.... he is away 4 days out of the week... and why.... is he not a part of this solution?
You are suffering.... he is NOT 'exempt" from all of this... just because he is away 4-days out of the week.
He has to come home, hit the ground running... and help.
He is STILL ... a part of the family, even if he is away so much... and therefore, he is STILL a Husband and a Dad.... and he cannot escape the responsibilities of that.
His Wife... is suffering.... stressed/grieving/depressed/not feeling well at all. He.... needs to be made aware of that.
all the best,