I am a hairdressser who specializes in womens hairloss and i deal with people who battle trichotillomania regularly. Most statred as teens and continue to battle the urge to pull all their lives. I suggest getting help from a behavioral specialist or dr who can handle ocd (like in the link above) asap . After pulling for many years, permanent hairloss becomes a big issue so its somethunbg you want to address asap. Also autistic children tend to do this as well.
Most importantly, be sure she is not ingesting the hair (as many kid pullers do) because it can cause blockages that could require surgery.
Hope that i did not freak you out, but i watch people struggle with this and its not easy for kids , parents or adults...
I hope at this age its easier to address once and for all.
Please let me know what you end up doing and let me know what works for your child so that i can pass the info along to othersn need ....
this dr specilaizes in OCD in children... while your daughter may not be old enough fopr regular therapy, he may have some suggestions for you
nd another link about pulling in young children.........