I just would not entertain her at all.
She has chronic mental issues.
Of which, none of it, will get cured.
You have, and will continue to.... (you and your Husband), spend time 'catering' to her.
But you know that.
I would be, sick and tired of it.
I have a relative like that.
Then my Husband and I, simply refused... to interact with the person anymore.
A person, cannot play those mental games... if you do not play.
It takes at least 2, to play such chronically toxic mental games on other people.
I would NOT go broke... financially, just because she is grumbling about what food is being served.
There are MANY people... who are starving, in our own country. And they would be so thankful, just for 1 hot enchilada for the Holidays.
Your MIL... will CONTINUE to be this way... forever.
Because, who can change her.
And why should she change.
And people cannot always change. Nor want to.
WHY... continue to be... her emotional slave and door-mat???????
Both you and your Husband... and your child will ALSO be her emotional slave and door-mat... once she gets old enough to be manipulated.
If it were me... I would disown her.
My Husband and I had to do that once.
Otherwise, the relative will continue to taint your family and your own mental health.
Your MIL is this way. And is predictable about it. And sooooooo detrimental, to everyone.
The bottom line is this:
NO matter how much you "try to make the best of a bad situation..." KNOW... that it will ALWAYS... be a bad situation. And at your expense on many levels... financially and mentally and emotionally. And your child, will be subject to this as well...and influenced by your MIL.
Do you want that?
A child, copies what they see, sometimes.
And if your MIL babysits your child ever... well, I would really think twice about that.
OR... if someone has guts about it... someone has to tell MIL that she needs to see her Doctor or get a Therapist and medication... because her behavior is not normal. And is harming others.
You either put an end to it. Or, you will just have to continue... to put up with it, always.
There is no navigating around her.
She is bullying everyone with her passive aggressive manipulative "poor me" behavior.