Yes my son has been diagnosed with Gelastic seizures...He is 9 we found out he had them 1 year ago...what you have said is what he was doing he would have very loud burst of laughter at first we thought he was being silly and he even joked and called it "his condition " Then I noticed he was doing them more and more and they were getting louder...one night he came to me after he had one and was crying said he didnt want this condition anymore i took him to his pediatrician and he had one in front of him when we got to the neurologist we found out there is no brain tumor but only his right side of his brain is seizuring....write down every time he has one how long they last and if you can video them...they come fast and short I know I never could get a video of it ... I hope I have helped if you want to know anything at all please ask this is a rare type of seizure and we still are not for sure what has caused him to do this I know the frustration ...Good luck and god bless!!