Hi D.
God bless you as you walk through the Specialist route. Remember all Good things come from the Lord and the doctor's wisdom is a good thing.
2 of my children have heart murmurs but they were detected at birth or shortly after. Glad you are headed to specialist and I will be praying. Oh by the way, I too had a heart murmur, detected shortly after birth. Never knew it til HS when I passed out after gym class. Long story, but the MD thought that I was better off handling it with my own knowing of my body. I did til teacher pushed further than she should have. It was on my records.
Consequently both mine knew before HS.
God bless you
Please let me know what happens at the cardiologist. I will be praying for a full recovery, til I hear what more to pray
K. -- SAHM married 38 years -- adult children 38, coach with heart murmur;33 lawyer; and twins 19 in college.