Been there done that. I find it truly incredible that docs don't get that hormones fluctuate and what is 'within normal limits' now can be out of whack a week later. *BTW, I am an RN and have had to fight, figuratively, to get a doc to listen to me. So I'm not trashing the healthcare workers I work with.
Sorry, I can't help you with a doc recommendation, but DEMAND the draw a Reverse T3, DHEA and Cortisol level. I finally found a doc to listen to me who even admitted that most docs don't know about, or think of the Reverse T3. It is an indicator that your thyroid may be out of whack when all the other thyroid tests are 'normal'. Also, by drawing the DHEA and cortisol level, I found out I am in adrenal stress, not quite adrenal fatigue, but partially because my thyroid issues have gone unchecked for so many years.
Don't be surprised either when a doc dismisses the thought of adrenal stress or fatigue. Unless you fall into the Addison's Disease box they aren't quite sure what to do with you.
After 10 years of off and on addressing my symptoms, I finally feel like I'm being heard and on the right track.
YOU are your best healthcare advocate.