It sounds like she does not have a social worker on her side, guiding her, but she should. I would bet she is or has been in at least one abusive relationship since abusers (and it can be "just" verbally abusive) prey on the emotionally vulnerable. She might be able to get into a woman's shelter for abused women. But, she may not even recognize yet what is going on.
She also sounds like her brain is affected and may qualify for some DSM "mental" diagnosis which would also qualify her for SSI/Disability which would then make her eligible for medical care, which would include psychiatric and mental health counseling. But she can work, and that is a wonderful thing.
Most cities have free clinics and therapists where people pay on sliding scales based on income. If the income is low enough, what they pay is zero. There is also subsidized housing. The catch is that there often isn't a single number to call to find out about them - but the social workers know.
You may contact her local NAMI (http://www.nami.org) office and they may be able to get you started in the right direction with some phone numbers, even if she does not have a "diagnosis."