Help! the Kit-Kats Keep Calling to Me!!

Updated on October 31, 2011
X.O. asks from Naperville, IL
18 answers

I hate having temptations in the house, so I'm hoping the candy is all gone by the end of the night.

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So What Happened?

We're doing Kit-Kats, Nestle Crunch Bars & Hershey Bars (fun size) - all the brands I had coupons for :)

ETA: Well, guess I got my wish. Some greedy kid(s) took all the candy while I was feeding my kids dinner & getting their costumes on. Never again will I TRY to be nice and put out a bowl when I'm not able to get to the door.

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answers from Raleigh on

We picked Kit-Kats and Almond Joys. The almond joys wouldn't stop calling I HAD to eat them to shut them up. The half dozen left, out of the bag of 30, are so scared to be next that they've finally shut up. That and I've had a bellyache since I opened the bag a week ago. I wonder why. ;)

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Rochester on

We don't hand out candy because we both go with our children.

HOWever, this year my parents came for a visit (long distance) and want to take the kids. Fine. But they also brought us a GIGANTIC box of Reeses PB cups (like, megastore aunt works at Hershey's.) So I'm in a conundrum. Do we give away 100 regular size candy bars and make all the neighborhood kids happy, or do I hoard them and stay fat? :)

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answers from Detroit on

Well, I got a big variety pack bag so there's Reece's PB Cups, Kit Kats, Whoppers and Hershey bars in there. And I got a bag of candy corn packets and a big box of packets of fruit snacks. And then hubby didn't know all that I had gotten so he ended up getting a 2 bags of gummy eyeballs and a bunch of glow bracelets from the dollar store. Hubby now thinks we should just keep the chocolate for ourselves. I'm thinking we will just be very generous and be the most popular stop in the neighborhood. Hubby is whining about the chocolate we'll give out that he won't get to eat himself. And I'm like, dude! I can buy more of it tomorrow AND it will be 75% off!

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't like Almond Joys - so my husband bought a bag of them!!! Dontcha just gotta love him?

We have a couple of bags - we typically don't get more than 30 Trick or Treaters so we don't keep much...I have a bag of the pretzels...snickers, recesses peanut butter cups...and almond joy...

if the recesses and snickers don't go - we'll use them for movie night!!

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answers from San Francisco on

probably not the butterfingers that I keep eating......We buy WAY too much candy. Not that many kids come by we are ready just incase ;-)

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answers from Richmond on

Out of sight, out of mind... I hide the candy on top of my fridge and forget it's there after a day or two ;)

Not passing out candy!! There are no kids in my neighborhood except mine and the 5 month old across the street ;)

We're going to my parents neighborhood to trick or treat... those people give out king size candy bars. Oooooh yeah!!

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answers from Dallas on

Much to the disappointment of the kids, I do dollar-store candy (LOL)! It doesn't tempt me as much, and I get lollipops, etc. so it's still somewhat fun for the kiddos. Then I eat some of my sons, since he's only 4.5 years old. We do a couple pieces at lunch and at dinner so it's a fun treat, but not over the top.

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answers from Denver on

I had a fun size snickers already (and I have to give props - this is the FIRST year we haven't eaten the candy prior to Halloween - usually have to make multiple trips haha) but we've all been cutting back on our sugar (hubby and I) so we've been able to resist.

On that note - no reese's peanut butter cups here cause I am a junkie and will eat them all - but the snickers, tootsie pops, and M&ms (plain and peanut) and I will raid the kiddos when they get home! haha

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answers from Denver on

They are calling me too!!!! I swear I gain more at Halloween than Thanksgiving and Christmas together. NO Self control..... We are giving out an assortment of chocolate and smarties.... Happy Halloween

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answers from Chicago on

Where we live kids dont' come :( We have to go to another neighborhood. I know what you mean. I am looking foward to indulging a bit tonight but that's it. glad I don't have the Kit Kats in my house...My weakness...Peanut Butter M&M's!

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answers from Jacksonville on

KitKat, Reeces, Hershey's snack size, Almond Joy (my personal favorite... there are only a few left in the bag, lol) and Milk Duds.

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answers from Boca Raton on

Oh my gosh - a couple of nights ago, very late, I found myself binge-ing on Reese Cups intended for Halloween night. So pathetic.

I CAN'T WAIT until Halloween is over! :P

PS: We are also handing out Snickers (another lethal temptation for me, especially frozen).

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answers from Minneapolis on

Kit Kats, Recess PB Cups & Smarties. We get a lot of kids. I'm giving myself tonight to pig out on some candy and then I must fight temptation. ;)

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answers from Lakeland on

We have Kit-Kats too. My daughter picked them because they are her favorite. She also added everything she got at her schools party today. There are only a few things (candy) that she will eat. I would suggest giving big handfuls toward the end of the evening.

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answers from Texarkana on

kit kats, reeses, and 100grands but the worst part about all this is tomorrow at walmart all the halloween candy goes on sale and its just to good of a deal to pass up so dang, more candy tomorrow lol

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answers from Dallas on

I have tons of kiddos coming through....

I have a load of things from Oriental Trading (bouncy balls, braclets, glow necklaces and bracelets and poppers)

We give out the regular sized Hershey, Nestle Crunch, Butterfinger, Babe Ruth, fun size Twix, Sweet tarts, Fruit roll ups, and and assortment of smaller candy which is warheads, sour punch straws, gum.

I am pretty good about the temptation because I am not a sweets eater, however, whatever is left will be goine this weekend because Saturday night is the homecoming dance and I will have aobut 16 kids here late night!!

@ Patricia G... my 16 yr old and her friends LOVE the dollar store candy! Sometimes you can find things that you haven't seen in years.... FUN!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

We've got lots of different stuff: the Reeses assortment, Little Hugs, bags of chip and bags of pretzels, Skittles and Starburst....

O. bag of Reeses cups has already bitten the dust....sniff....never even saw Halloween coming...poor little guys....

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