I have two perspectives; one as a person who has suffered with anxiety and one as a professional who treats it. The treatment from both perspectives is the same!
Most important things:
1. NUTRITION: what you put in your body is your fuel! It's not only about meds and supplements, it's everything that goes in. Caffiene and other stimulants are a BIG no-no. Sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup are terrible as well.
Some supplements to consider:
and 5-HTP. However, you can't take this last one while on the zoloft. Both effect serotonin (though 5-htp does it much more effectively and safely), combining the two could cause you to become quite sick with serotonin syndrome.
2. EXERCISE: the best way to get all the chemicals in your brain flowing the way they should is exercise. There is no medication on the planet that can compare to the natural process that occurs when you exercise.
3. SLEEP: the worse you sleep the worse your anxiety the worse you sleep. It's a viscious cycle I know. But one of the biggest contributing factors to your anxiety is your body not being able to get the recouperation time it needs. The better your sleep the less will be anxious. If sleep is a problem for you consider taking the 5-HTP, it will help you sleep as well.
Please do not make any changes without letting your doctor know. Several "natural" supplements interact poorly with psychiatric medications like Zoloft. Also, many people suffer terribly when abruptly stopping psychiatric medications; feeling worse than why they started the meds in the first place. If you choose to not take the psych med you must get off of it slowly and with professional guidance!
Please don't hesitate to message me if you have questions!
It is possible to overcome anxiety.
It is possible to overcome anxiety without medication.
It will get better.