my children are exactly 2 years apart. their bdays are november 6 and 8 th. My son is older and was very jealous at first but now loves to play with his younger sister. Three years later they make really good playmates at age 5 and 3. It will be hard at first because no matter how old your children are they still want your attention. You will be sleep deprived because you have a newborn. The older child will need some special time so you should find time to be alone with your toddler and have someone else watch the baby. My son liked helping me with his sister and getting me diapers, toys etc. He is still a great helper and a nice example for his sister. I think also having them so close in age they can communicate with each other and sometimes he tells me what Emma needs when I can't figure it out. You have to decided how much stress you can handle and then plan appropriately. You took the first step by waiting until you completely healed and now you just need to decide what your priorities are in raising your family. Maybe you are looking to only have one child in diapers, that is something to consider. Make a list of what you would see as your ideal situation and go with it. Advice is great but ultimately every situation and child is different so what worked for my family maybe totally wrong for yours. Good luck making a decision and good luck on your growing family.