It may not be too early to start time out. Instead of putting him in his crib, sit him on the couch and enforce time out. By enforcing I mean, before you sit him down, take away anything that could be a distraction (toys, tv, stuffed animals, etc.). Then sit him for time out and sit with him to make sure that he doesn't get up. If he's calm enough, try to explain to him why he's on time out. Sometimes they understand, and sometimes they don't but getting into the habit of explaining it will be a great asset in the future.
If for some reason, you are unable to sit down with him, I've used the highchair in the past. He may kick and scream but again, explain it to him; show him what he did wrong. If you're afraid that he won't want to eat in his high chair, show him the difference between him going to the high chair to eat and you placing him in the high chair for time out.
My son is two and I have to do this with him constantly because he doesn't listen. He started his terrible two's when he was 18 months. Sometimes, he keeps on tantruming and other times, he will calm down to listen and repeat what I am saying to him. For a one year old, a time out of a minute or two is just enough.
But, if you're kid's as tough as mine, popping him once in a while may be the only way, as long as you're popping him in the right place (ex. hands, butt, etc.) and for the right reason. I'm at the point where I give my son a chance to do what needs to be done by the count of three with my hand raised. If it's not and he gets popped, he understands that he was wrong and I can send him to his room for disobeying. Good luck!