Hi E.,
My son is 7 months and weights 25lbs. He is in stage 3 diaper! So, I am totally with you on this. He was born 9 lbs 13 oz and he is 99% with is weight, height and his head... I was giving him baby food stage 1 at 4 months. I started with fruit, something like bananas and either oatmeal or rice. He loved it. I started out with 1 tablespoon and then slowly giving him more (we give him 2 tablespoons). This is my little mans day.. He gets 6oz formula when he gets up between 6-7am and then about 8am he gets a jar of fruit (stage 2) and with his fruit we give him either water or juice that is watered down. Then between 11-12 he gets a veggie and a fruit and something to drink. About 1 or 2 he gets a bottle 4 oz and then he gets a drink about 3 or so. Then he gets he dinner (something like mac and cheese or what ever my 12 year old daughter picks out stage 2) around 4 or 5. Then we give him a bath, play with him and keep him busy until about 8 and give him cereal and fruit and then about 1/2 hour later we give him a 6 oz bottle and he is in bed at 8:45. This some times changes, but this is his day. He likes to play and jump in his jumperoo and likes to play with on his sisters keyboard. He is a very busy little man!
Also, don't forget maybe he just needs a drink. I gave my son water (nursey) at 4 months. Now, each mom is different and so is each doctor. Our moms gave us water and we all lived to tell about it. He needs a drink just like you do. Think how many times do you take a drink in one day? If my son acts as if he is still hungry after he eats, we get him a drink. Then he has an oz or so and he is fine.
Good luck with that! Maybe this can help!
Take care,