I used to put my DS down for a nap after only being awake for 2 hours or less in the morning. My mom used to constantly criticize me for it but seriously, it worked out for the best. Instead of trying to stretch her awake time I tried to stretch out one of her naps a little longer by letting her fuss and fall back to sleep, or singing her back to sleep, if possible. It didn't always work, but after a while she did beging to take a longer nap in the morning (after only being awake for 2 hrs) and then 2 shorter naps in the afternoon. Eventually she slept in a little later (even an hour makes a HUGE difference!) and skipped the am nap, but then her afternoon nap had to be moved up a bit. WE have the video monitor too, and I remember getting very upset seeing her play in the middle of the night. Then it dawned on me, how many kids do that and their parents don't even know because they don't have the video? Maybe it's normal? I don't know. But it would be interesting to see if a change in sleep schedules made a difference.
I wish I could remember more about her eating habits at that age. I DO remember meal times taking FOREVER! I wouldnt' stress too much about giving her 1 jar versus 2 jars because she is still getting most of her nutrition from breastmilk.