I guess our experience was not of any of these, nor where any of our friend's husbands or any other that I have heard about when done properly. My hubby told me he could have gone back to work the same day. Now grant it, he has a desk job (lol)! He never had any problems.... You almost could not even tell it was done besides the two stitches. In the medical world, we have seen a huge difference in urologist performed v/s family practice performed. The complications and recovery are both little to none when a urologist performs one and the guys follow the rules. They do so many, that the manipulation to get to the vas deference is almost none. Now do know, that it is or should be told to the guy not to have sexual intercourse nor should he masterbate or take on any sexual pleasure for those two weeks. Many times they swell because they have had the rush of semen from outside stimulation. If they keep those little "ducts" free and the manipulation was minimum then the inflamation is almost nothing and there is little to no pain. Stock up on the Ibuprofen and have him take 4 (800mg) every 6 hours for 3 days and he should be good to go. It is the swelling that causes pain. Of course no bike riding/spinning. No overly done exercise for a couple of weeks and he should be JUST FINE! It is a bigger deal for us to push out babies, have c/sections or tubes tied than that. Just think, we send ladies home the next day after vaginal deliveries and after have tubals and they do not go home and get in the bed. So if you have a hubby who needs to be in the bed (he is totally milking it). (SHHH)! Do not be nervous, he will be fine if you have a doctor who does them routine. Everyone is saying "peas"; that is so funny to me. The only reason they use to suggest peas is because they are frozen, flexiable and cheap! There is no magic in peas. He can use a true ice pack. They are soft when frozen. He can also use what we have women use, frozen cabbage leaves.
Do not worry, he will do just fine if you guys keep all sexual content and ideas out of your heads for a couple of weeks. Do not think of it as the "Big V". When you went to push that watermelon out from between your legs, did we call it the "Big D"? (LOL... ) Trust me, that was BIG!
Congratulations on him taking on the responsibility and not make it yours. Also congratulations on knowing your family is complete; even though that cuts down on my job stability ;) Also tell him that all men report his orgasms will not be any different, down the line. It will just be less sticky for you!
Good luck!